ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC, a privately-
Lead advancements for the rapidly converging, next-generation technologies in electromagnetic spectrum and assured wireless device connectivity by leveraging our vast experience in cognitive radio communication, wireless cyber security, and multi-sensor fusion through machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Be a world-class leader in disruptive innovation enabling joint dynamic spectrum exploitation, radio frequency communications, and cyber security in cognitive software defined radios to save lives and improve life quality.
Core Values
- Empower an entrepreneurial spirit.
- Encourage a strong work ethic.
- View everything as a valuable learning experience turning negatives into positives.
- Seek challenges.
- Promote a team-oriented attitude with commitment to others and our clients.
- Foster respect and dignity.
- Instill pride in our work.
- Deliver on our promises.
- Strive from good to great and be the change you seek.
- Ensure quality and excellence.
- Pursue creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement for the greater good.
- Always do the right thing.
- Foster diversity in people and ideas.
- Maintain community involvement.
- Uphold the principles of integrity/honesty, transparency, fairness, and ethics as business cornerstones.
- Enjoy what you do!