SeaPort Next Generation (NxG), the U.S. Navy Virtual SYSCOM Commanders’ integrated approach to contracting for professional support services, has selected ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC of Rome for a prime contract award. ANDRO is a premiere provider of advanced software defined radio products including radio frequency machine learning (RFML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for wireless communications and networking.
SeaPort NxG encompasses professional support on behalf of multiple Navy detachments and centers that include the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR), and Office of Naval Research (ONR) as well as Military Sealift Command (MSC) and the U.S. Marine Corps.
The SeaPort NxG portfolio has a listed value of $4 billion per year over a 10-year contract life span and could be as high as $50 billion over its full term, consisting of indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) multi-agency contracts. The Navy estimates that the contract will procure as high as $5 billion worth of services annually.
The SeaPort-NxG IDIQ contract covers a range of functional areas that include Engineering Services; System Engineering; Safety and Process Engineering Support; Research and Development; Software Engineering, Development Programming, and Network Support; and Program/Administrative Management. Under this IDIQ, ANDRO will focus on delivering Engineering, Technical, and Research services towards the development of engineering prototypes and production-ready capabilities at scale in the AI/wireless communications and RFML space.
SeaPort NxG’s electronic procurement of Technical, Engineering, and other Professional Services represents a key strategy to meeting the Department of Navy (DON) contracting needs by preapproving a large and diverse community of contractors via a competitive rolling admissions process. Once approved, contractors bid on work, individually or in teaming arrangements. SeaPort NxG provides an efficient and effective means of contracting for professional support services and enhancing small business participation.
ANDRO’s president Dr. Andrew Drozd said, “We were notified of the award New Year’s Eve and what an exciting way to end 2024 and ring in 2025. The award further cements ANDRO’s position among an elite corps of ‘best-in-class’ government contractors from across the nation that are ready to respond to the Navy’s needs and complex service requirements related to AI, advanced wireless communications, and dynamic spectrum sharing among other areas. Our contributions will assist in assuring that the Navy is well postured to sustain information dominance and spectrum superiority during these challenging geopolitical times.”
Drozd attributes the SeaPort NxG win to Fred Frantz, ANDRO’s Chief Operations Officer and Capture Manager. Frantz commented, “The SeaPort NxG rolling admissions round II solicitation led to a considerable number of competitive proposals. To be among a select group of companies to win a prime position under this vehicle further expands ANDRO’s already tremendous advantage in supporting Navy customers with our leading-edge mission-critical technologies.”
ANDRO, located at Griffiss Business & Technology Park in Rome and celebrating its 30th year of operation, looks forward to delivering exceptional and innovative research solutions and services for multi-agency DoD and Federal customers building upon the company’s vast portfolio of patented AI/wireless technologies and RFML products. Visit for more information on how ANDRO is supporting Federal initiatives including the SeaPort NxG contract.
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ANDRO selected for Navy SeaPort Next Generation contract award | Business |