Rome Company a Finalist in Army xTech Challenge

Rome Sentinel Thursday, July 1, 2021 

ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC, of Rome, has been named as a finalist in the Army’s xTech Small Business Innovation Research Waveform Challenge.

The announcement was made by the Army Executive Office Command, Control, Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T) program office.

The xTech challenges were designed to address the rapid procurement needs of the warfighter and encourage broader participation from the technology sector.

To compete in the waveform challenge, ANDRO Principal Investigator, Dr. Ashwin Amanna, and his team leveraged pioneering work in software-based tactical waveform implementations under the Waveform Agile System Palette (WASP) project supporting the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate, according to company officials.

ANDRO’s submission to the xTech Challenge was awarded $10,000 in prize money and selected along with 10 other companies to move forward to virtual technology pitches to senior Army Science and Technology leaders.

ANDRO presented an approach, in partnership with Collins Aerospace, to develop a reference demonstration of General-Purpose Processor (GPP) based waveforms operating on heterogeneous SDR platforms with a standardized interface between the waveform and SDR.

The ANDRO team was selected as one of five finalists to receive $50,000 in prize money and invited to submit a full proposal to qualify for a rare Direct to Phase II $1.7M SBIR contract award.

ANDRO received a certificate of achievement for reaching the second stage of the challenge. Additional information about ANDRO and its research portfolio can be found at

The company has been in operation for over 26 years and is expanding into a new facility in Rome. The company’s research includes advancements in SDR, dynamic spectrum access and 5G-to-NextG systems, waveform development, AI and machine learning for enhanced spectrum awareness, and sensor resource management.

Read the full story here